After sales service
After-sales service is the last step in the company’s sales process, and the most important task of the process. It is a key for the enterprise to win a broad market space and opportunities. Xingyuan Group follows the market development path, and meets the challenges of the market with a positive attitude, which is the trump for the company to maintain long-term vitality and vigor.
We guarantee product quality at the same time, to a greater extent to meet customer needs, urgent customer's urgent, want customers to provide rapid and thoughtful after-sales service, and customers to achieve long-term cooperation, for the after-sales event to do rapid response, rapid processing, and constantly strengthen after-sales service personnel training, improve after-sales service personnel business ability, and ultimately achieve customer satisfaction effect.
TEL:日皮视频:+86-546-6506800 / 6506566

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Tel:+86-546-6506839 / 日皮视频:6506660 / 日皮视频:6497311
Add:Xishui Industrial Park, Guangrao County, Dongying City, Shandong Province, China
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